14 افزونه ووکامرس 14 Woocommerce Extensions + Updates

woocommerce composite products v3.6.5
woocommerce conditional content v1.2.0
woocommerce dynamic pricing v2.11.0
woocommerce google analytics pro v1.0.4
woocommerce google product feed v6.7.3
woocommerce gravity forms product add-ons v2.10.6
woocommerce measurement price calculator v3.9.1
woocommerce order status manager v1.4.5
woocommerce print invoices packing lists v3.0.9
woocommerce print invoices packing lists v3.0.9
woocommerce product search v1.4.3
woocommerce product vendors v2.0.10
woocommerce social login v1.7.5
woocommerce subscriptions v2.0.14

Demo: http://www.woothemes.com/product-category/woocommerce-extensions/



WooThemes WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product AddOns v2.10.6 – Powerful product add-ons, Gravity style

Create product add-ons using the powerful form building capabilities found in Gravity Forms

With the Gravity Forms Product Add-ons extension, advanced product configuration forms can be built and linked to any product in WooCommerce. Forms that contain conditional logic, pricing fields, user input prices, conditional-pricing fields, conditional submit button logic can all be created for your products. Additionally, any product that contains a Gravity Form is tracked in the cart to ensure, no matter how complex your product form only unique configurations are added to the cart and duplicates are incremented in quantity.

The Gravity Forms Product Add-ons extension gives you full control over how the display of the prices in the store should appear. You can use the default price displays that WooCommerce will display, or in the case of a configurable product containing pricing fields, set the price to something such as “As Low as $1000″.

You also have control over when the built in automatic price calculation will be displayed, if at all, and have the ability to configure each label individually.

WooThemes WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product AddOns v2.10.6 Changelog

2016.02.11 – version 2.10.6
* Update:  Add option to enable Dynamic Pricing Calculations when using this extension along with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing.
Option is in the totals section when configuring products’ gravity form options.   Option is only available when Dynamic Pricing is active.

* Update:  Add filter, woocommerce_gforms_get_product_form_data to allow filtering of the gravity form attached to a product.
apply_filters( ‘woocommerce_gforms_get_product_form_data’, get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘_gravity_form_data’, true ), $post_id );


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